guida per lavanderie industriali

How to Cut Costs and Waste in Your Industrial Laundry for Maximum Efficiency

In the dynamic field of industrial laundries, selecting the right equipment and implementing efficient operational practices not only reduces costs but also enhances overall efficiency.

In this article, we will explore five key strategies to optimize energy consumption and promote sustainability in industrial laundries.

Follow these tips to transform your business into a model of efficiency and environmental responsibility, gaining a significant competitive edge.

1 – Choosing the Right Machinery

When it comes to purchasing industrial laundry machinery, the choice can be critical. A common mistake is investing in equipment that does not perfectly align with the specific needs of your business.

To avoid regrets and ensure that each machine operates at its full potential, it is essential to carefully evaluate specifications and functionalities. Our machinery, known for its reliability and efficiency, is designed to offer maximum performance and adapt to any operational need, ensuring impeccable service quality.

2- Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance ensures that the machinery operates at maximum efficiency, preventing issues that could increase energy consumption.

Specific actions to implement proper maintenance include:

  • General cleaning of the machine and particularly the sensors to avoid malfunctions caused by dust and/or residues left by the laundry during processing.
  • Checking nozzles and valves to ensure they are clean and not clogged, allowing optimal flow of water and detergents in washers, air in pneumatic machines, and gas in gas-heated machines.
  • Verifying the integrity of seals and thermal insulations to prevent heat loss.
  • Lubricating transmission parts to reduce friction and energy consumption.

The frequency of maintenance should be based on hours of use or monthly, depending on the intensity of the machinery’s use. A maintenance schedule is provided in the documentation accompanying Indemac machines.

Proper maintenance can ensure energy savings of up to 30% and help reduce CO2 emissions.

3 – Machine Loading and Usage

Using machinery to its full potential is essential for maximizing efficiency. However, it is important to avoid overloading, which can reduce process effectiveness and increase energy consumption per cycle.

For example, in the case of washers, balancing loads according to the machine’s specifications not only optimizes energy use but also ensures uniform and high-quality cleaning.

To ensure fabrics move freely for uniform cleaning and compliance with hygiene standards, it is important not to exceed the recommended maximum load: at the same time, avoiding excessively small loads is good practice to avoid wasting energy and water.

Weight sensors can be very helpful in optimizing loads by providing useful indications.

The same principle applies to ironing machines, where it is important to use as much of the working width as possible to avoid wasting thermal energy and prevent overheating of certain working areas that could damage components or increase wear and tear.

4 – Thermal Insulation

Improving the insulation of your industrial laundry machinery can significantly reduce heat loss and, consequently, energy consumption.

Invest in the latest insulation solutions for your machinery: this will not only reduce energy costs but also improve the work environment, making it more comfortable for users and operators.

5 – Choosing Renewable Energy Sources

Adopting renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind power, to run laundry machinery represents the frontier of sustainability, but it is also a complex process.
While the initial investment may be considerable, the long-term savings and environmental benefits are substantial.

This step not only reduces dependence on fossil fuels but also enhances the company’s image as a leader in sustainable practices. Undertaking a path towards environmental sustainability can ensure your industrial laundry becomes part of a broader and increasingly competitive market.

By adopting these practices and tips, you will not only reduce energy consumption and operational costs but also improve the environmental impact of your laundry, thereby enhancing your company’s reputation.

Want to discover how Indemac can help you achieve these goals? Contact us to learn more and request a personalized consultation.

indemac expodetergo

Positive report from EXPOdetergo: marked by innovation

A few days have passed since the closing of the EXPOdetergo international. An event that attracted over 17 thousand people to Milan, of whom about 40% came from abroad.

Indemac was present in Milan with great enthusiasm: the desire was and still is to be part of the change by bringing our innovations in the field of machinery for industrial laundries and conveying the potential of the advanced solutions we propose to our customers.

Businessmen, managers of industrial and non-industrial laundries, general managers and retailers populated our booth, and great was our satisfaction in noting the interest and desire to learn more about our technology and services.

The opportunity to try and see Indemac machinery is definitely one aspect that ensures product knowledge at different levels for industry professionals.

Folding machines, ironers, stackers: Indemac machinery to see and try out

During EXPOdetergo, Indemac gave ample space for tests and operation demonstrations of its machinery and accessories for industrial laundries.
The purpose was to share all the opportunities that the right kind of machinery can bring within each industrial laundry business.

  • Increased ability to optimize item processing
  • Consistent and verifiable increase in productivity
  • Raising the quality level of the laundry work cycle.

What was really appreciated by those who came to visit us was the opportunity to receive advice: the hundreds of people who registered at the Indemac booth at EXPOdetergo were able to understand the potential of each machine on display and how to exploit it within their own laundry, whether industrial or integrated within hotels, swimming pools, and sport and wellness centres.

Forging important business relationships with national and international businessmen, professionals and brands within the laundry sector was a huge satisfaction for our entire team.

Positive balance for Indemac at EXPOdetergo, news on the horizon

Indemac’s positive experience at EXPOdetergo is certainly reason for further stimulation to do even better and share this growth path with those who choose Indemac for its reliability and the innovative technology of its machinery dedicated to industrial laundries.

The next appointment in Milan for EXPOdetergo will be in 4 years: Indemac is already at work to present other long-awaited novelties.

But you don’t have to wait that long to book a consultation with our experts: go to the contact section!


Indemac: EXPOdetergo International 2022 is about to begin!

Indemac’s entire team of experts is preparing for the big event!
From 21 to 24 October 2022 at Fiera Milano, we will expose our cutting-edge machinery at EXPOdetergo International 2022.

The four-year event, a leader in Europe and in the world in the sector of services for industrial laundries, this year aims to face the main challenges of the market: sustainability and green, ergonomics and digitalization, hygiene and sanitation.

Finally, we will meet at the first European fair after the reopening!
In a constantly changing world, we are preparing for the challenges of the future with Indemac machinery: cutting-edge, versatile, customisable and interconnected!

A unique opportunity, during which we will present updates, innovations, and the latest technological solutions dedicated to the reality of industrial laundries.

Machines that are one of a kind, the result of careful technological research and design by the entire Indemac team:

  • ILC, the super-compact all-in-one ironing and folding machine. The only machine for industrial laundries, available in all variants, able to be customised with any accessory;
  • FTI, the towel folding machine that maximizes the concept of “efficiency” with the chance to stack up to 4 stacks of folded and staked items;
  • IFO, an industrial folding machine for large and medium items, indispensable downstream of an ironing line!

We renew processes, optimise time and resources in the interconnected era to facilitate work and improve the quality of the result.

Are you curious to discover Indemac’s cutting-edge range of machinery?

Visit us at EXPOdetergo International 2022, discover our solutions and book a private consultation!


Look to the future for your accommodation facility: compact and efficient industrial laundry

Think big for your accommodation facility: whether you are the owner or manager of hotels, holiday villages, wellness centers and spas, or even cruises, it is time to embrace the future.

Improve hygiene and cleaning services for your customers, rely on Indemac to make the best strategic and innovative choice: install or update your industrial laundry integrated into the structure.

A concrete change for your business, for your employees, for your customers and, last but not least, for the environment!
In recent years, the attention paid to hygiene, sanitation and cleaning has increased significantly, you cannot be left behind, renew the processes and guarantee an excellent result every day.

Your guests must feel at home, they must not have the slightest doubt that the linen may be dirty. Perfectly clean items ensure an excellent first impression: tablecloths and napkins, bed sheets and pillow cases, but even more so, towels.

Let’s find out together the indispensable machinery to optimize and make the industrial laundry of your accommodation facility independent!

How making the industrial laundry of your accommodation facility independent

Cleanliness and order are the basis of hospitality: your guests seek relaxation and carefree days, put them at ease!
An industrial laundry inside the structure is the perfect solution to check and ensure the cleanliness of the linen.

Each stage of processing is important: from washing to folding, the items must meet high quality standards.

Look to the future for your industrial laundry - LA and ES

Washing and drying with LA and ES

Washing and sanitizing fabrics is the first step: the LA industrial washing machine is your number one ally!
It eliminates dirt and removes germs and bacteria efficiently: extremely compact, LA is equipped with advanced technology that allows significant savings in water and energy without affecting the quality of the result.
ES also allows you to reduce operating costs: an industrial dryer equipped with a system of humidity sensors that control the speed of the drum and allow the air to be reused.
Eliminating residual moisture is essential to avoid the proliferation of bacteria and prepare the garments for the next steps.

Ironing and folding with ILC and FTI

ILC is an indispensable machine, our flagship, the result of our technological research.
An all in one machine that in just 18 square meters allows you to iron, fold and stack even large linen. It can determine a real turning point in the production cycle: it is simple and intuitive to use, even by a single operator.

ILC is equipped with an ironing belt system that protects the fabrics from mechanical stress.
The quality of the items will not be affected by the ironing process and guests will be able to feel the softness of the fabrics.

To complete the processing cycle, ILC is also able to fold and stack the most bulky linen, such as tablecloths and bed sheets, but let’s not forget terry clothes!

FTI is the ideal solution, the fast and efficient towel folder, capable of recognizing and folding garments of different sizes: from small towels to bath towels. It is able to form up to 4 different stacks of folded items, one for each type.

Discover our machines at the EXPOdetergo2022

What better occasion than EXPOdetergo 2022 to see Indemac’s machinery in action!
We will present the latest innovations to the general public: all our machines are equipped with computerized systems, remote controls and intuitive technologies, in line with the requirements of 4.0 technologies.
The Indemac team works day after day to find solutions specifically designed to provide a high level of service: this is the ideal time to renovate the industrial laundry of your accommodation facility!

Come and visit us at EXPOdetergo International from 21 to 24 October and discover all our solutions!

lavanderia industriale


A well-organized industrial laundry can make a difference in terms of cost and performance.

To optimize the work, it is necessary to evaluate the spaces and arrange the machinery in an orderly and functional way.
Having a large room available is not always an advantage if you then create a dispersive work environment.

The flows of linen in industrial laundries are very tight, Indemac is well aware of this. To better manage all the processing phases, it is essential to create a work chain that saves time and energy.

Let’s find out how to best organize small and medium industrial laundries.

The indispensable machinery for every phase of work

In a large industrial laundry, it is good to clearly and orderly separate the areas dedicated to washing, drying, ironing and folding.

By creating a well-defined path, employees will save time and work will be more efficient: production will increase, while operating costs will decrease.

Our LA washing machines cannot be missing from the washing area: they ensure maximum performance, reducing water and energy consumption, without sacrificing the quality of the result.
For the most demanding laundries, LA, in its largest version, can reach a load capacity of between 120 and 133 kg.

Drying is then a fundamental step: the ES dryer prepares in the best way the linen for the next step of the ironing.
ES, with high energy efficiency, can process up to 83 kg of load. It is good to be equipped with the appropriate number of dryers, based on the amount of laundry, to immediately move the items from the washing phase to the drying phase.

For the ironing and folding phases, I, IL and ILC cannot be missing: our specialized staff will be able to indicate the best solutions to optimize workflows!

I is a self-drying ironer perfect for handling small, medium and large items. It can be equipped with 2 or 4 rear collectors that allow the collection of the smallest items: an excellent solution to facilitate the work of the operators and not create confusion.

IL, the ironer-folder, can be placed upstream of a further folding line or can also be used as a stand-alone machine. According to requirements, the folding function can be excluded.

Finally, ILC, the leading result of our technological research, is an indispensable machine for small and large laundries: it optimizes the entire operating cycle and improves the quality of the work.
ILC is an all-in-one machine that allows a single operator to insert, iron, fold and stack even large linen.
Wisely positioned even inside a industrial laundry, it can quickly dispose of items awaiting processing.

lavanderia industriale

Customized projects with Indemac

Our commitment to finding the best solutions for our customers is constant, which is why we offer a consultancy service: we want to know your real needs.
This phase is essential to understand how to structure the project. It is also possible to participate in the production process and see the machinery in action.

The design and customization phase can also be followed remotely, making changes in a short time.
The highly technological tools available to us, allow us to create realistic layouts of the plants, perfect for the working environments of industrial laundries and to customize individual machines if necessary.

We look forward to seing you at EXPOdetergo International 2022 to discover all our solutions.

Indemac at EXPOdetergo International 2022

The EXPOdetergo International 2022, the four-year fair dedicated exclusively to machines, products and services for laundries, returns to Fiera Milano.

From 21 to 24 October 2022 the latest technologies and innovations applicable in different contexts will be presented: from the hospitality industry to the health sector.
Indemac could not miss the appointment!
Our machines are studied and designed to meet the needs of the market with innovative and customized solutions: EXPOdetergo 2022 is a unique opportunity to exhibit Indemac products.

This year the project, the common thread of the entire event, has identified the three areas on which the market must focus in the coming years:

  • sustainability and green
  • ergonomics and digitalization
  • hygiene and sanitation

We strongly believe that we are prepared for the challenges of the future: our machines at EXPOdetergo International 2022 will be the demonstration of the advancement of technology and of aesthetic and functional quality.

The whole Indemac team has been working for over 25 years to build tailor made industrial laundry machines: over time we have improved our products more and more to be able to combine the quality of Made in Italy with energy saving, without compromising.

We look forward to seing you at EXPOdetergo International 2022 to discover all our solutions.
Indemac is always by your side!

Precision and speed for the internal laundry of your accomodation facility

Indemac strives every day to find the best solutions: efficiency, innovation and reliability distinguish us.
We do not leave any detail to chance, we create professional machinery for each stage of processing, from washing to folding and ironing.

We can help you take care of and present table linen in the best possible way: the restaurant of your accommodation facility will always be ready to welcome new guests!
Indemac’s team of experts has specifically studied the needs encountered in the hospitality and catering fields.
We know how important it is to always have ready-to-use tablecloths and napkins available, in this way the waiters will save precious time and, above all, customers will be welcomed in a clean and well-kept environment.

The secret to creating an unique and original atmosphere in the restaurant area is taking care of every little detail: customers will fall in love with the details.
From the furniture to the lights, even the table setting and table linen must not be outdone.

After washing and drying the textiles respectfully, tablecloths and napkins must be perfectly ironed and folded, the first impression is the most important!

Let’s find out together the characteristics of the machinery that can optimize the processes of the internal laundry of your accomodation facility!

Industrial laundry integrated in the accomodation facility: the indispensable machinery

In the tourism-ospitality sector, having an internal industrial laundry is certainly a great advantage.
Managing the processes in first person allows you to significantly save on costs, being sure about the quality of the result.
Certainly organizing the spaces available and choosing the right machinery can make the difference.

LA, industrial washer

LA is the washing machine that cannot be missing in your facility: designed to optimize space and performance.
LA will allow you to better manage the load and the washing cycle through its touch screen control panel.

Saving water and energy is significant thanks to the combination of advanced aesthetics and the latest technologies: the super centrifuge will save you money in the subsequent drying and ironing steps.

lavatrice industriale indemac

ILC, ironer-folder all in one

ILC is the “all-in-one” machine that allows you to dry, iron, fold and stack flat linen in a perfect way.

The most compact version of ILC has a 500 mm roller for an ironing width of 2600 mm: the ideal size for tablecloths.
ILC irons textiles preserving them from mechanical stress and can be easily managed by a single operator thanks to the user-friendly touch screen panel.

ILC optimizes and speeds up the entire production cycle and can be customized according to the specific needs of the facility.

FSI, versatile and fast folder

FSI is a folder for small items that saves time without sacrificing quality: napkins, pillowcases and face towels will always be ready for your guests to use.
FSI can be easily managed by a single operator or it can be positioned downstream of an ironer for semi-automatic operation.

We at Indemac are builders and our passion leads us to improve ourselves every day to meet customer needs.
This is why we have created a version of FSI exclusively to meet the needs in the catering sector: FSIS, the folder designed specifically for napkins!

For the internal laundry of an accommodation facility, that also works in the catering sector, FSIS is a must-have machine: napkins that can be processed per hour reach up to 1200! The optimal solution to save time and to manage resources in the best way.

Indemac is always by your side

Nowadays, presenting table linen flawlessly can make the difference.
Tablecloths and napkins must necessarily be washed and sanitized to thoroughly eliminate microorganisms and offer your guests a well-deserved welcome.
The presentation must not be outdone, especially for the napkins, an item that the guest will use at the table.

Treating even the smallest and most delicate items with the right machinery not only allows you to protect the textiles, save time and have a perfect final result, but it is also the best choice for the environment.
Choosing to wash, dry, iron and fold linen in an industrial laundry integrated into the structure is an ethical choice: your business will have a lower impact on waste disposal, eliminating completely the use of disposable pieces of paper or plastic.

According to your needs, our team is able to customize the machines, all equipped with remote assistance.
Thanks to a simple connection you will always have the support of specialized technicians who will be able to control the setting remotely.

Discover all our solutions and contact us for further information and personalized advice.


Do you want to implement your industrial laundry, your ironing and washing systems? Indemac is always by your side.

We have been designing and manufacturing machinery for industrial laundries for 25 years, exporting our products to all continents and offering quality and cutting-edge services.
We personally follow each customer, listening to their specific needs and personalizing their requests: the design phase can also take place remotely, allowing for rapid changes.

Our team is highly specialized, so we can help you and accompany you in the 4.0 transition: Indemac will take care of selecting the complete technological solution that best suits your reality and complies with the requirements of Industry 4.0.
You can rely on us and enjoy the significant tax benefits deriving from the purchase investment.
Our solutions are turnkey and worry-free.

As for the machinery, the required characteristics of Industry 4.0 concern their operation: they must be controlled by computerized systems and the devices must be ergonomic and improve workplace safety.

The man-machine interface must be simple and intuitive, just like our machines: they have customizable functions and accessories and include innovative and intuitive technologies to facilitate and speed up work, thus improving the work of the operators.

The interconnection system has recently evolved, and this makes it possible to interface the machines set up with the management systems to create a reality of Industry 4.0.
Even after the purchase, we continue to support those who have relied on us: for many years our machines have been equipped with a remote connection system with the company in order to be able to support customers for any setting or update need.

At Indemac we always find innovative solutions for our customers, we offer unique machines that combine advanced aesthetics and technology.

If you want to know more about the requirements of Industry 4.0 and are interested in our machinery, contact us with no obligation .


When it comes to industrial laundries, the watchword is only one: organization. It is essential to better plan the activity to increase efficiency and reduce costs.
No matter how much space you have available, the goal is only one, to offer your customers impeccable and quality service.
Indemac takes care of the rest.

With over 25 years of experience, we design and build customized systems to support small-medium business in the challenges proposed by the market.

It is not necessary to have many machines, not all of them are essential to be able to offer a quality service, you need to choose carefully those with more functions to optimize space, perform more processes and maintain an orderly workplace.
This is why we at Indemac design small laundry spaces to be functional, with essential machinery to be able to better manage all stages of processing.
The ability to customize our products makes them adaptable to any reality, from the most complex to those with limited spaces.

If you want to improve the service you offer or start a small industrial laundry, Indemac is the right partner for you.

Let’s find together out how to best organize small industrial laundries.

Our proposals for industrial laundries in a small space

When there is little space available but the need to improve the performance of the industrial laundry, our team does not hold back: Indemac’s innovative solutions adapt to all needs.

For those who have limited space, our personal selection includes three indispensable machines: LA, ILC and FSI.

LA, industrial washer

LA is the industrial washing machine designed for savings and to optimize space and performance. It is a super centrifugal washing machine that allows significant savings in the subsequent drying and ironing steps.
With minimal size, it guarantees maximum performance.
It is designed to reduce energy consumption: saving water and energy is possible thanks to the combination of the latest technologies with the most advanced aesthetics.

ILC, ironer-folder all in one

ILC is our flagship. A unique all-in-one machine, the result of our continuous technological research.
The perfect solution to optimize processing and reduce costs, all in just 18 square meters.
ILC allows you to dry, iron, fold and stack flat linen in a perfect way and can be easily managed by a single operator, thus optimizing the speed of the entire flow.
ILC is the most complete machine in the range, indispensable for small industrial laundries.

FSI, folder for small items

FSI is another compact machine for optimizing processing.
It is the perfect proposal for restaurant activities and beyond: a folder for small items, versatile and fast.
Napkins, pillowcases or face towels, the folder can recognize the type of items to fold independently.
Based on the needs, we have also thought of a version dedicated exclusively to the folding of napkins: FSIS.

Tailored and turnkey solutions

Improving the efficiency of the production cycle, reducing management costs and reducing time is also possible for small laundries.
We will help you with turnkey solutions and without worries: we offer a service tailored to your needs, we follow you from design to installation, but not only.
We offer training and a specialized technical service to accompany you in the optimal management of your laundry.

According to your needs, our proposal will be personalized and we will be able to present the best selection of machinery and complementary accessories perfect for your business.
Few machines, but efficient and functional, together with the right accessories can really make the difference for a small business.

With Indemac it is possible to improve production efficiency, resource management and optimize consumption while minimizing costs.

Discover all our solutions and contact us for further information and personalized advice.
We will be happy to be by your side!


At Indemac, we work every day to improve and perfect the industrial machinery that we have designed specifically for industrial laundries and hospitality facilities.

Satisfying customer needs is our main goal: thanks to our constant commitment, from design to final testing, we are able to offer a high quality product. But we are not satisfied, we always want to improve and refine our products to create unique machinery.

This is why we have perfected FTI, the towel folder designed for items of different sizes.
FTI can be a key element for your industrial laundry or for your hotel: it guarantees fast and precise folding, ideal for terry items and similar articles.
The presentation of bathroom linen is always synonymous with cleanliness and efficiency in the hotel, which is why at Indemac we ensure an impeccable result.

Let’s find out together about the new FTI models and how to enhance their use.

The features of the new FTI

FTI is able to fold terry items of different sizes, from bidet towels to bath towels, thanks to a system of suitably conveyed air jets.

The folding can be both length folds and crossfolds and thanks to the touch screen panel it is possible to detect production data and self-diagnostic notifications.
FTI can fold terry items up to a maximum size of 1200×2000 mm and processing can reach up to 1000 items per hour.

In addition to all this, we have further improved FTI to optimize production: the versions with 1 and 3 stackers will no longer be available.
The new FTI includes versions with 1, 2, 3 and 4 stackers!

FTI XL for speed and efficiency

Our team wanted to ensure that all possible customer needs were met, so we also thought of another version of FTI: the new FTI XL folding machine!

The basic features are the same as FTI, but the FTI XL model is able to fold items with maximum dimensions up to 1200×2400 mm!

FTI XL is also available in versions with 1, 2, 3 and 4 stackers to maximize processing.
Furthermore, both FTI and FTI XL are available in the version with the manual version item selection function and in the automatic version.

In the automatic versions, efficiency and speed are guaranteed: the operator can indifferently insert items of different sizes.

FTI will independently recognize the size of the items to be folded and will automatically create up to 4 stacks of folded items, one for each type.
FTI and FTI XL are the ideal solution for industrial laundries, hospitality and tourist facilities: fully customizable work programs can be set.

Indemac constantly researches and designs methods and solutions to create innovative products and services.

Discover all our solutions and contact us for further information and personalized advice.
We will be happy to be by your side!